NPD traça o perfil do mercado brasileiro
62% usa meios legítimos pra obter jogos

82% dos hues entre 13 e 59 jogam em ao menos um aparelho
Destes, 65% estão entre 45 e 69 anos
50% da população entre 13 e 59 anos joga em todos os 3 principais seguimentos (mobile, console e PC)
As plataformas específicas mais utilizadas são PC (47%) e Android (38%)
Mas quando perguntados sobre a principal maneira que usam pra jogar fica Console > PC > Mobile > Portáteis dedicados
Tempo médio semanal dos hues: 15h (entre adolescentes sobe pra 19h)
62% dos consumidores compram por meios oficiais, enquanto o restante usa pirataria ou importação (Steam seria o que?)

Somos vistos como um mercado emergente com grande potencial de crescimento (ne Nintendo)


The NPD Group this week released a handful of findings from its Brazil Gaming 2015 report, underscoring the existing popularity of gaming within the country and suggesting it still has plenty of room to grow.

Among the data points released by the market research firm were that 82 percent of Brazilians aged 13-59 game on at least one device. Gaming is a popular activity throughout that age bracket, with 65 percent of 45-59-year-olds gaming.

The NPD release containing the findings did not address the size or date of the survey conducted. An inquiry to the firm was not returned as of press time.

"Brazil is clearly an emerging gaming market, one that is rife with potential for even further growth," said NPD analyst Liam Callahan. "Understanding this market is crucial as international markets become an essential part of any product rollout."

The Brazilian market appears to have a balanced appreciation for games, with half of the 13-59 age group playing on each of the three major platforms: consoles, computers, and mobile devices. The most common specific devices for gaming were a PC (47 percent) and an Android smartphone (38 percent). However, when asked what their primary gaming device was, the most likely answer was a console, followed by computers, mobile devices, and dedicated gaming portables.

The average Brazilian gamer plays about 15 hours a week in total, with teenagers spending the most time (19 hours on average). While the NPD found that gamers in Brazil were most likely to buy their games through official channels, there was still a significant amount of the market willing to buy through alternative channels, whether the games be imported from other countries or pirated. Respondents estimated an average of 62 percent of their purchases are made through formal channels.

Mensagens neste Tópico
[Sem Assunto] - por Masamune - 16-10-2015, 12:07 PM
[Sem Assunto] - por wolfwood - 16-10-2015, 12:10 PM
[Sem Assunto] - por Siam Shade - 16-10-2015, 12:36 PM
[Sem Assunto] - por Chakan - 16-10-2015, 12:48 PM
[Sem Assunto] - por Masamune - 16-10-2015, 12:50 PM
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[Sem Assunto] - por Siam Shade - 16-10-2015, 03:46 PM
[Sem Assunto] - por Rodrigo Rey - 16-10-2015, 03:46 PM
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[Sem Assunto] - por play more - 16-10-2015, 04:28 PM
[Sem Assunto] - por play more - 16-10-2015, 04:32 PM