Oficial [3.0] Central Xbox One: 03 Gerações em 01 console
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Microsoft: We Could Have Used Variable Clocks for Xbox Series X, But We’re Not Interested in TFLOPS Numbers



Citação:We focus on optimizing the developer experience to deliver the best possible experience for players, rather than trying to 'hunt' down certain record numbers. We've always talked about consistent and sustained performance.
We could have used forced clocks, we could have used variable clock rates: the reality is that it makes it harder for developers to optimize their games even though it would have allowed us to boast higher TFLOPS than we already had, for example. But you know, that's not the important thing. The important thing is the gaming experiences that developers can build.

O Smartshift ainda deve estar lá, fico imaginando se ainda dá para implementar por alguma atualização, ou se o console não tem margem de energia ou calor gerado para tal.

Genesis escreveu: (28-06-2020, 03:54 PM)O jornalista do the verge que disse ter ouvido que a CPU seria mais lenta voltou atrás e agora acredita que vai ser a mesma cpu. Gaming journalism...

Aí sim. Isso seria problemático.

Mensagens neste Tópico
RE: [3.0] Central Xbox One: 03 Gerações em 01 console - por Nash - 28-06-2020, 04:05 PM