Trailers aleatórios de filmes que não merecem um tópico
no verão passado
Wintry_Flutist escreveu: (11-07-2024, 05:02 AM)Acho que já perguntei, mas nunca vi a resposta. Por que essa modinha (que não passa nunca) de começar o trailer com "trailer starts now"?

Taquei no google e veio essa explicação aqui:

"The main reason is that trailers are often used as ads on YouTube videos, and many of these ads can be skipped after the first 5 or 15 seconds. The "trailer starts now" thing is a way to catch viewers' attention within those first few seconds and convince them to watch the whole thing instead of hitting the 'skip ad' button."

E tem um motivo extra:

There's a short clip previewing the whole trailer, before the actual trailer starts, so autoplay on videos (hover over a video on YouTube and it starts previewing it) can show off a short version of the trailer. For better or worse, a lot of trailers release like this now. The "trailer starts now" is a newer trend that marks the spot people can start paying attention to the "real" trailer, as opposed to the preview of the trailer.

Mensagens neste Tópico
RE: Trailers aleatórios de filmes que não merecem um tópico - por Kotonete - 11-07-2024, 09:46 AM