Ultra Street Fighter 4
[Tópico Oficial]
Pior que pra eu jogar online agora vai ser triste, vou colocar internet a rádio, quero ver os rages do Moukis! Lol
Oswald escreveu: num vo encher a casa da minha mãe de stick e pad, chore.

oswald e seu pad:

[Imagem: g1UkH7T.jpg]

Mudanças de balanceamento dos novos personagens, retirado do Eventhubs:

[Imagem: 23_ultra.jpg]


• Crouching light punch startup changed from 4 frames to 3 frames
• Crouching heavy kick no longer cancellable
• Angled jumping heavy kick active frames reduced from 10 frames to 5 frames
• All manner of focus attacks have had their forward hurtbox reduced
• Backflip backwards distance decreased
• Light, Medium and Heavy Kissed by a Goddess forward FADC are now -5 frames
• EX Kissed by a Goddess hitbox increased upwards on its first hit, making it easier to anti-air with
• Light, Medium, Heavy and EX Whip of Love can now be focus-cancelled, red focus-cancelled or super-cancelled on first and second hit even if blocked
• EX Whip of Love's fourth hit can no longer be jump cancelled on block
• EX Whip of Love's fourth hit can now be jump cancelled on hit, to follow up with an air attack
• Light, Medium and Heavy Aeolus' Edge all have 1 frame less recovery. The current advantages are as follows:
Light: ±0 on hit, -3 on block
Medium: +3 on hit, ±0 on block
Heavy: +10 on hit, +7 on block
• Light, Medium, Heavy and EX Aelous' Edge, if done on opponents' wakeup, would not hit them meaty. This issue has been fixed.


• Standing medium punch now does 120 damage, up from 100 damage
• Crouching medium punch now does 110 damage, up from 80 damage
• Hammer Hook is now an overhead
• Light, Medium and Heavy Shootdown Backbreaker now give 80 meter instead of 110 on hit
• Light, Medium and Heavy Shootdown Backbreaker, only when used at the end of Hammer Mountain, now do 100 damage and stun
• EX Shootdown Backbreaker has invincibility on frames 1~5, up from 1~4
• Light, Medium and Heavy Moonsault Press startup decreased to 2 frames, from 3 frames
• Medium Giant Palm Bomber startup decreased to 19 frames, from 21 frames
• Light, Medium and Heavy Ultra Throw range reduced to the same as Heavy Moonsault Press
• EX Ultra Throw range reduced to the same as Light Moonsault Press
• Light Monster Lariat can now release the attack without going into the running animation first
• Light Monster Lariat now does 100 damage, down from 120
• EX Monster Lariat now has armor properties up until 3 frames before the attack hits, this armor can absorb any amount of hits (similar to Red Focus)
• EX Monster Lariat can be focus-cancelled, red focus-cancelled and super-cancelled regardless of whether it hits or is blocked
• Hammer Mountain now has invincibility during frames 3-11 when Hugo is running towards his opponent
• Hammer Mountain can now hit airborne opponents without them falling out
• Hammer Mountain can no longer be cancelled into Shootdown Backbreaker on block
• Hammer Mountain now does 300 damage, down from 360
• Gigas Breaker full move duration increased to 49 frames, up from 39 (increased recovery, supposedly?)
• Lvl1 Red Focus Attack could previously be followed up against airborne opponents with moves that do not normally combo airborne opponents - this bug has been fixed


• Close standing medium kick startup reduced to 5 frames, from 6 frames
• Close standing medium kick range slightly increased
• Far standing medium punch active frames reduced to 3 frames, from 6 frames
• Far standing medium kick hurtbox around the feet reduced
• Crouching medium kick startup reduced to 5 frames, from 6 frames
• Hit advantage changed to ±0 frames, from -2 frames
• Neutral jump heavy punch active frames reduced to 4 frames, from 6 frames
• Angled jump heavy punch active frames reduced to 3 frames, from 6 frames
• All manner of focus attacks have had their active frames reduced to 2 frames, from 4 frames
• During Stinger, the knife can be thrown quicker than before
• EX Stinger now does 30x3 damage instead of 40x3
• Light Patriot Circle is now -3 on block instead of -2
• The third hit of Medium Patriot Circle now grants 6 meter instead of 12
• EX Patriot Circle no longer has invincibility
• EX Patriot Circle now does 100 damage instead of 70
• Mekong Delta Attack now only goes back half as far after being blocked
• Mekong Delta Attack can now be focus cancelled, red focus cancelled and super cancelled both on hit and on block
• EX Mekong Delta Attack is now -10 on block instead of -2
• EX Mekong Delta Air Raid now has projectile invincibility during frames 1~10 instead of full invincibility
• EX Mekong Delta Air Raid is now +8 on hit instead of +5
• EX Mekong Delta Air Raid is now -3 on block instead of ±0
• During EX Mekong Delta Air Raid, Rolento can now be pushed, reducing the chance of him being "glued" to his opponent
• During EX Mekong Delta Escape, the player can now control Rolento's fall
• Mine Sweeper now does 350 damage instead of 300
• Take no Prisoners startup increased to 7 frames, from 6 frames


• Movement speed slightly increased
• Sometimes, Elena would avoid moves when she was supposed to be blocking them - this has been fixed
• Standing light kick is now +2 instead of +4 on hit, -1 instead of +1 on block and active frames have been reduced to 2, from 4
• When trying to cancel Standing Heavy Punch into a special move and using Heavy Kick, Elena would perform her target combo instead - this has been fixed
• Crouching light punch is now +5 on hit instead of +4, +2 instead of +1 on block
• Crouching light kick is now +3 on hit instead of +5, ±0 on block instead of +2
• Crouching heavy punch can no longer be cancelled. Grants 30 meter instead of 20 on block.
• Jumping medium punch forward hitbox slightly reduced. Active frames reduced to 4, from 7
• Jumping medium kick active frames reduced to 4, from 6
• Jumping heavy punch forward hitbox slightly reduced. Active frames reduced to 4, from 6
• Jumping heavy kick first hit active frames increased to 4, from 1
• First hit of Jumping Heavy Kick when hitting an airborne opponents properties changed from "opponent will fall in an invincible state" to "opponent will fall in a juggle state", allowing her to juggle
• If the first hit of Jumping Heavy Kick hits an airborne opponent, the second hit will now do so as well
• Sliding changed so that Elena won't become lower until right before the attack hits. Active frames changed to 10 frames, from 13
• Light Lynx Tail is now -7 on block, instead of -9
• Light Lynx Tail now gives 30 meter instead of 40 on hit, 15 meter instead of 20 on block
• Medium Lynx Tail now gives 20+30 meter on hit instead of 20+40, 10+15 on block instead of 20+10
• Heavy Lynx Tail now gives 20+15+15+15 meter on hit instead of 30+20+20+20, 10+7+7+7 on block instead of 15+10+10+10
• EX Lynx Tail now does 100 damage instead of 130
• Light Mallet Smash is now -7 on block instead of -5
• Light Mallet Smash now gives 20 meter instead of 30 on whiff, 15+15 on hit instead of 40+20 and 7+7 on block instead of 20+10
• Medium Mallet Smash is now -5 on block instead of -3
• Medium Mallet Smash now gives 20 meter instead of 35 on whiff, 15+15 on hit instead of 45+20 and 7+7 on block instead of 22+10
• Heavy Mallet Smash now gives 20 meter instead of 40 on whiff, 15+15 instead of 50+30 on hit and 7+7 on block instead of 25+15
• Light Scratch Wheel now gives 20+10 meter on hit instead of 30+10 and 10+5 on block instead of 15+5
• Medium Scratch Wheel now gives 20+15 meter on hit instead of 30+16 and 10+7 on block instead of 15+5
• Heavy Scratch Wheel now gives 20+10+10 meter on hit instead of 30+10+10 and 10+5+5 on block instead of 15+5+5
• Light, Medium and Heavy Scratch Wheel have all had their invincibility frames removed - previously, light, medium and heavy had invincibility on frames 1~4, 1~3 and 1~3, respectively, but that is no longer the case
• EX Scratch Wheel invincibility duration increased to frames 1~7 , up from 1~3
• EX Scratch Wheel now does 4 hits instead of 3, damage is divied 60+30+30+30 (150)
• Light Rhino Horn now does 40x3 damage instead of 50x3
• Medium Rhino Horn now does 50x3 damage instead of 60x3
• Heavy Rhino Horn now does 60x3 damage instead of 70x3
• EX Rhino Horn now does 50x3 damage instead of 60x3
• Light Spin Scythe now does 100 damage instead of 140
• Medium Spin Scythe now has 29 frames of recovery instead of 27
• EX Spin Scythe now does 30x4 damage instead of 40x4
• Spinning Beat, when hitting an airborne opponent, will now continue to juggle after the second hit
• Brave Dance damage reduced to 440 from 465
• Lvl1 Red Focus Attack could previously be followed up against airborne opponents with moves that do not normally combo airborne opponents - this bug has been fixed
• Lvl1 Red Focus Attack now has the same recovery on block as Lvl1 Focus Attack
• Red Focus Attack now comes out at the same speed as Lvl2 Focus Attack
nossa, refizeram a elena do zero? olha o tamanho dessa lista Lol

e essas cinquenta toneladas de buff em cima do hugo? agora vai?
Moukis escreveu: nossa, refizeram a elena do zero? olha o tamanho dessa lista Lol

e essas cinquenta toneladas de buff em cima do hugo? agora vai?
Tá cheio de nerfs, agora vai pro saco.
Moukis escreveu: nossa, refizeram a elena do zero? olha o tamanho dessa lista Lol

e essas cinquenta toneladas de buff em cima do hugo? agora vai?

Porra, ele merece, o cara é praticamente 2-8 contra qualquer char! Lol
Como vai funcionar o Red Focus, no fim das contas?
DinoSpD escreveu: Como vai funcionar o Red Focus, no fim das contas?

consome 3 barras, não há limites de hits que ele possa absorver(mas depende do seu life igual ao focus comum) e causa crumble mesmo no "lvl1".

ta rolando camp esse final de semana inteiro


ta passando cvsnk2 agora *o*
Moukis escreveu: consome 3 barras, não há limites de hits que ele possa absorver(mas depende do seu life igual ao focus comum) e causa crumble mesmo no "lvl1".

Deram umas nerfadas tensas em Rolento... só pq ele é o substituto natural de Bison :-|
Caralho, o Assassin's Fist é hoje! *o*
Oswald escreveu: Caralho, o Assassin's Fist é hoje! *o*
será q vai ter legenda pt-br?
Ryagami escreveu: será q vai ter legenda pt-br?

Duvido mto, mas no fim de semana já deve ter.
Coitada da Elena, nunca pareceu grande coisa e ainda recebe uma lista gigante de nerfs.

Ultra SF4 Arc Sys Edition.
Moukis escreveu: consome 3 barras, não há limites de hits que ele possa absorver(mas depende do seu life igual ao focus comum) e causa crumble mesmo no "lvl1".

Então enquanto vc tiver life ele vai tankar os hits?
DinoSpD escreveu: Então enquanto vc tiver life ele vai tankar os hits?

Red Focus custa duas barras, tetas.
Caralho, Rose tá FODA [Imagem: kreygasm.png]

Por essas mudanças "finais", acho que o top fica tipo: Yun, Ibuki, Viper, Cammy e Juri.
Evil Ryu, Dudley, Yang, Rose, Akuma, Chun-Li, Gouken e Sakura parecem muito bons também.

Não entendo as mudanças do Hakan, Oni ou Gen, não sei se eles melhoram ou pioram.

Fei tomou outro nerf no primeiro Rekka, agora é 1f mais unsafe, então fica -5. Tenso... D: