[Central PC] Plataforma do futuro com jogos do passado
Microsoft coletando feedback pra avaliar versão de Killer Instinct no PC


Citação:Fortunately, it appears as if the developers are taking note of this issue. Microsoft Studios creative director Adam Isgreen recently took to the official Killer Instinct forums to consolidate a number of threads centered around discussion of a possible PC port, even going as far to put together a poll to gauge the community’s reception to the idea.

LIVE NOW MGSV: Ground Zeroes PC version


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Bão demais.
FFXIII ficou com resolução de gente.

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[Imagem: VI2YeMn.gif]</div>

<div align="center">Early Access
Available: 11 December


<div align="center">rockpapershotgun preview:
In some respects it’s closer to being a sort of open-world ARPG than it is the tactical shooter that the Syndicate games were, despite having much the same “feel” as those games. This is not some blind attempt to clone the past, but a healthy extension and an original expression. Satellite Reign takes on inspiration from past glories, it does not dwell on them.

It feels like you should seldom have to resort to violence. You can hack and sneak, even pay off guards. It’s versatile, and will doubtless generate one off events that we’ll want to breathlessly report post-play. Once things do kick off, though, and you’re spotted in one of the “red” zones where cameras search and guards patrol, you gain a wanted level, which can only be shed by laying low in the city for several minutes, GTA style, and avoiding contact.</div>
Compra mais que certa também, tá do caralho.
Bom darkkinder Emotion

Ficarem sem pc até amanhã, então não postarei notícias hoje
Don't Starve Together sai no Early Acess dia 15, novo trailer

The Talos Principle já está disponível, launch trailer

Novas imagens de Just Cause 3

[Imagem: just_cause_3_1.jpg]
[Imagem: just_cause_3_12.jpg]
[Imagem: just_cause_3_4.jpg]
[Imagem: just_cause_3_15.jpg]
[Imagem: just_cause_3_7.jpg]

+ aqui: http://www.videogamer.com/ps4/just_cause...shots.html
Alguns reviews de The Talos Principle

Eurogamer 9/10

Citação:The Talos Principle is a game of challenges and conundrums and philosophical wonderings, filled with logic puzzles and cerebral mysteries. Its chunky mechanical processes are underpinned by a compelling breadcrumb-trail narrative that tackles the intangible notion of humanity and consciousness. Consequently, despite playing a robot that interacts with computer terminals and takes instruction from a disembodied voice in the sky, it exudes personality and charm; its mechanical precision complementing its aesthetic qualities. For an experience bereft of human contact it boasts a very big heart indeed.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Citação:Croteam’s The Talos Principle has a combination of neatly designed puzzles and philosophical pondering. It tickled my brainbuds and got inside my head in that way which sees you drawing diagrams of levels while on the tube or puzzling them out as you lie in bed pretending sleep might turn up at any moment. It’s one of my favourite games from 2014.

PC Gamer 84/100

Citação:I'm fascinated by The Talos Principle's lack of visual artistic direction. This landscape of remixed Greek, Egyptian and medieval styles is technically accomplished but says absolutely nothing: a sense compounded by the fact that the developers let you fiddle with colour filters from the main menu. More than anything else it reminds me of those benchmarking demos that used to ship with 3DFX cards in the late '90s—depopulated ruins presented for their complexity only, any human point of reference secondary to some mechanical process churning away beneath the surface.

In another game I'd write that line off as overthink. Chances are, nine times out of ten, that art that says nothing was trying to say something and failed. I don't think that's true for The Talos Principle. If any game was going to look like a Voodoo 5's fever dream on purpose it'd be the one with a wide-ranging interest in machine-generated worlds, artificial intelligence, and the way that personality imprints itself on nothingness. The game is clever enough to pull something like that off, and generous enough in its puzzle design to make you feel clever into the bargain. If you're actually a person, that is. There's still some doubt on that front.

PCWorld 4.5/5

Citação:Portal changed puzzle games. I don't think there's much dissent on that. Or if it didn't change puzzle games, it at least was so unique in its execution, so interesting in the way it twisted standard shooter tropes, that it opened new avenues for puzzle games to go down.

And so they did. Since Portal's release we've had a number of imitators—Q.U.B.E., Quantum Conundrum, Antichamber, and hell, even Portal 2. They all tried to recapture some indescribable feeling many people had when originally playing Portal. They all achieved varying levels of success in that pursuit.

The Talos Principle comes closest, as far as I'm concerned.

Elite: Dangerous launch trailer

Parece uma bosta esse Talos Principle
Gbraga Returns escreveu: Parece uma bosta esse Talos Principle
Bosta é aquele jogo de tirar foto de calcinha, fdp.

E comprar lasanha no caminho de casa
The Talos Principle, pqp Emotion
Granja escreveu: Bosta é aquele jogo de tirar foto de calcinha, fdp.

E comprar lasanha no caminho de casa
Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles

Me respeita, fdp.
E esse The Talos Principle, foda hein Emotion

Gbraga Returns escreveu: Parece uma bosta esse Talos Principle

[Imagem: 1QQcyg0.png]
Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles Loles

Pior que realmente achei uma porcaria. Nem sabia que era hypado até uns dias atrás.
Parece bem legal, mas é algo que eu preferia ver alguém jogando do que jogar eu mesmo, se é que isso faz sentido.