[Central PC] Plataforma do futuro com jogos do passado
Rodrigo Rey escreveu: Conhecendo a CDPR, vão ser gratuitas ainda
E tem empresa que cobra 20 doletas por 40 minutos

Nem fodendo vai ser de graça.
Sinistro escreveu: Nem fodendo vai ser de graça.
É, agora vi que é um pass, mas pelo menos o preço vai ser mais justo que de outras empresas
Rodrigo Rey escreveu: É, agora vi que é um pass, mas pelo menos o preço vai ser mais justo que de outras empresas

Damage na alta.

Vamos esperar sair Rey. Se o jogo for isso tudo mesmo, negada vai pagar ate 40 dolares nisso ai rindo!
Viana escreveu: Lol
Damage na alta.

Vamos esperar sair Rey. Se o jogo for isso tudo mesmo, negada vai pagar ate 40 dolares nisso ai rindo!
Só me baseando no histórico da empresa widow
E eu não pago 40 em pass nem fodendo
Pre load de GTA V está live no steam.Alguém aqui pegando day 1?

59 Gb Lol

darkkinder escreveu: WITCHER 3: WILD HUNT, THE - EXPANSION PASS - $20.99
Pelo menos não é 30 Obamas por 4 personagens Crylol

Devo pegar um ou dois dias antes para baixar logo e jogar day 1.
Vem pro pai, vem Emotion

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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided é a nova capa da Gameinformer, sequência de Human Revolution


[Imagem: cover-reveal-spread.jpg]

Citação:The original Deus Ex is one of the most critically acclaimed shooter/RPG hybrids of all-time. In 2011, Eidos-Montreal resurrected the dormant franchise with Human Revolution, giving the series an updated look while remaining true to the player choice-driven gameplay. Eidos-Montreal knew its game wasn’t perfect, and has worked to improve the series' combat systems and boss encounters for the latest entry in the series – Mankind Divided.

Set in 2029, two years after the events of Human Revolution, Adam Jensen returns and joins forces with an Interpol-funded task force aiming to hunt down and capture augmented terrorists in a world that now hates and fears transhumans. Jensen has a new suite of augmentations that allow him to cleverly navigate stealth, combat, and social interactions, but how Jensen chooses to solve every problem is entirely up to you.

At the end of Human Revolution, the Illuminati caused every transhuman to go into a fight-or-flight response and attack anyone near them. In the next issue of Game Informer, you can find out how this event caused humanity to hate and fear those with augmentations. We spent two days in Eidos-Montreal's studio, talking with the team and learning about how they build a realistic future. We go in depth on some of Jensen's new augmentations that help improve the stealth and combat systems, such as the ability to remote hack electronic objects, fire off his nano blade from a distance, and surround himself with a nearly indestructible nanoshield. We also got some great examples on how the game will be as open ended as ever, allowing players to carve their own path through the world. You can only get these details in the latest issue of Game Informer.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided doesn't yet have a release date, but it's headed to PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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[Imagem: gqgeou.gif]


Invisible Inc, novo jogo da Klei, sai em maio

O jogo estava em Early Acess, e após uns meses de silêncio nos fóruns da Klei, eles confirmaram o lançamento e as features do jogo completo.


Citação:Hello folks!

It's now been 2.5 months since our last game update. At a high level, we’ve worked hard to utilize Early Access to realize the vision of Invisible, Inc. With your help, we’ve been able to determine how the core mechanics of the game interacts with players, patch systemic flaws, and expand the parts that are really working. After a few months of tuning, it was clear the core mechanics were working as intended, and what the game really needed was a whole lot of polish.

We’re now closing in on launch date. We have a few loose ends to figure out before we nail down the exact date, but there are some things that we’re pretty sure about:

First, we’re going to be launching sometime in May. It’s not completely nailed down yet, but we’ll be announcing it once we’ve worked it out with all the involved parties. This marks about a 9 month Early-Access cycle and, as always, we’ve been pretty adamant to make sure the game is in a solid, playable state the entire way through. We want our launch update to go out with a bang, and we’ve been working tirelessly toward that.

Second, once we announce the launch date, we’ll be turning off Early-Access sales. We want to make sure that as we start talking about this in as many places as possible, new players have the best experience possible, rather than play the interim build. We’ve done a ton of work on helping new players ramp up -- once again, thanks for giving us the feedback to make this happen.

As always, Early Access players will continue to have access to the current development build, and you’ll get the full game at launch.

So, what have we been working on? Here are but a few things, in a deliberately vague list:

Fully realized story and world, with 2 fully-animated cinematics.
All new voice over (over 1000 lines).
A massive balance pass on all the items and programs, and a few new items, augments and programs to round off the suite.
The Final Mission (dun dun dun).
3 new starting programs which vastly change your playstyle.
4 new agents, and a balance pass on existing agents, each with their own special augments and items.
A daemonic new enemy, in the new Plastech corporation.
World generation and gameplay options screen, where you can set the game up as you see fit.
Expert Plus mode -- for those who want the ultimate Invisible, Inc. challenge.
A revamped Endless mode with increasing difficulty as the days progress, up to difficulty 10 missions.
New music for every corporation, final mission, and more.
A giant upgrade to the UI, sound, FX and visuals.

We're uh… basically polishing everything in the game, so there’s a lot here we haven’t covered.

So here we are, about a 6-8 weeks from launch. This is Klei’s 9th game in 10 years, and it’s a real pleasure to keep making these games with you folks. Thank you once again for your patience, feedback, and support over the years. It’s greatly appreciated.

Pra quem não lembra o que é:

Opções de GTA V no PC

Citação:Video memory slider: shows you how much video memory is being used in MB.

Ignore suggested limits option: game detects your setup automatically, but you can push your system further if you like.
Options for screen type, aspect ratio and refresh rate.
DirectX Version Output monitor: 1-3
Anti-aliasing: FXAA, MSAA and Nvidia TXAA supported.
Pause game on focus loss.
Scaling bars for population density, population variety and distance scaling.
Texture quality: normal to very high.
Shader quality: normal to very high.
Shadow quality: normal to very high.
Reflection quality: normal to very high.
Reflection MSAA
Water quality: normal to very high.
Particles quality: normal to very high.
Grass quality: normal to very high.
Soft shadows options: softer, softest, AMD CHS, Nvidia PCSS
Post FX options: up to ultra.
Motion blur strength: scaling bar.
In-game depth of field effects: on/off.
Anisotropic filtering: up to x16 .
Ambient occlusion options.
Tesellation options.

Advanced graphics
Long shadows: on/off.
High resolution shadows: on/off.
High detail streaming while flying: on/off.
Extended distance scaling bar.
Extended shadow distance bar.
Benchmark testing.


Granja escreveu: Opções de GTA V no PC

PQP acho que nem a GTX 980 vai dar conta de rodar com tudo no máximo em 1080p Lol
Em 1080p acho que roda. Acima disso, duvido.
Granja escreveu: Em 1080p acho que roda. Acima disso, duvido.

Eu digo a 60fps, já que aqui mesmo com SLI não vai rodar 4k@60 :-((
Poucos discos Crylol
[Imagem: 18mfgm84j37gmjpg.jpg]

Chega a ser nostálgico. Emotion
Adivinhem quando o preload do GTA foi liberado:

[Imagem: Ap8BZZV.jpg]
i7 5930k@3.50GHz
SLI de GTX 980

Game rodando em 4K e 60fps (sem informações sobre qualidade das texturas)

Tecnicamente o game está leve. Talvez seja o melhor port do GTA em anos. A parte boa é que o game certamente não terá problemas pra leitura de arquivos na qual prejudica o frame rate e a experiência. Os arquivos do mapa estão divididos em 1GB e 2GB, e não apenas em um ou vários arquivos gigantes, o que dificulta absurdamente a leitura em HDD.


Versão Linda, leve e definitiva. Emotion